Children’s Ministry

Welcome to the vibrant world of Children’s Sunday School at Grace Bible Church!

We are excited to offer three dynamic classes designed to engage young hearts and minds with the timeless truths of God’s Word, all with the aim of applying biblical principles to their everyday lives.

Here’s a glimpse into our classes:

  1. God’s Girls/God’s Boys: Every Wednesday at 6pm, children from kindergarten and up gather for an enriching time of learning and fellowship. Through interactive lessons straight from the Bible, we empower our children to discover God’s truth and apply it in their lives.
  2. Children’s Church: During Worship Time in the library, children in kindergarten through 6th grade embark on a journey of discovery. Our dedicated volunteers lead engaging Bible lessons and fun games, fostering a love for God’s Word and a deeper understanding of His love.
  3. Wee Church: Our littlest learners, aged 2 through 5 years old, gather during praise and worship for a special time designed just for them. In Wee Church, they sing songs, create crafts, and explore age-appropriate Bible lessons, all guided by caring teachers who nurture their budding faith.

Additionally, we offer nursery services for children from birth through age 2, where our dedicated volunteers provide loving care and support.

No matter the class, our mission remains the same: to lead each child to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Grounded in the truth of Scripture, our teachers are passionate about sharing God’s love and wisdom with the next generation.

If you’d like more information about our Children’s Sunday School programs, please don’t hesitate to contact the church at (859) 737-4722. We look forward to partnering with you in the spiritual growth and development of your child!